Corporate Events


Option 1: Corporate Walk-Around Show


Corporate Walk-around show is suited for pre-event settings, corporate dinners, receptions, cocktail parties as well as networking events with no audience size limitation.

In Darren’s walk-around show, he will be showcasing mentalism and magic right under your noses and scrutiny, with him being no further away than 3 feet from you. It does not matter if the crowd is sitting down or standing up as Darren will make his way to you so that you can enjoy the show right in the comfort of your own seat. Experience the magic up-close where you are bound to get the best view in the house as he personally interacts with you while showcasing his talents. It is all about astonishment, surprises, gasps and laughter.

This is your perfect opportunity to experience feats of mind-reading and magic at a very close proximity LIVE rather than just seeing it on TV.

What to expect:

  • In-your-face magic that happens from less than 3 feet away.
  • Personal interaction with the magician.
  • Laughter and amazement.
  • No audience member gets left out.
  • Magic with YOUR personal belongings. 






 “There is something very special when you witness magic up close and personal that you just don’t get while watching magic on stage.
There is no smoke, mirrors or big props. Everything is happening right before your eyes and a lot of times, at your fingertips. 
Blink and you will miss it. Don’t blink and you will still miss it. Just simply amazing.” 




Option 2 : Corporate Stage Show

MMA1Corporate Stage Shows are suited for company’s Dinner and Dance, conferences,  runway shows, or simply any events that has a stage. Suitable for medium to large size audiences ranging in size from 10 to 1,000 and above.

In Darren’s stage show, his performance will feature a unique blend of heart pumping tricks, comedy and well-choreographed movements guaranteed to capture the attention of the audience for the duration of the show. It will be a theatrical experience graced with gasps, laughter and amazement all at the same time.  Even though he will be on stage, do not have the misconception that it will be him rambling all the way by himself. Expect audience interaction and guests participating on stage that gives them the opportunity to feel like stars of the show. With his skills, charm and interaction capabilities, it will be a performance that would definitely be enjoyed by the masses no matter how near or far away they are from the stage. 


What to expect:

  • Collective audience laughter and gasps. 
  • Audience participation that has people feel like stars of the show. 
  • Mass interactive performances.
  • Theatrical experience with music and even being able to have the option to communicate with Darren through a live camera feed on screen.
  • Corporate messages and marketing messages can even be personalized into performances. 


“Darren’s magic on stage is absolutely outstanding. There were just jaws dropping all over the floor throughout the show. All our international guests could not stop talking about how great it was even after it ended.  I definitely recommend hiring him if you want your event do stand out.” 
-Baskin Robbins-




Option 3 : Corporate Grand Illusion Show

Corporate Grand Illusion Shows are suited for company’s Dinner and Dance, conferences, orDSC05044 simply any events that wants to bring the whole Las Vegas and David Copperfield atmosphere to their events. It is suitable for larger size audiences ranging in size from 100 to 1,000 and above above, and is highly visible with the show being played out to customized music cues and lighting, giving audience an extremely grand theatrical experience. 

Together with Charlene, his professionally trained dancer assistant, Darren would astound you with his grand illusions and is guaranteed to entertain even your most discerning of corporate or private guests. His innovative approach provides audiences with a mind-blowing performance featuring a unique mix of jaw dropping illusions. With Charlene’s skill in dance and choreography, paired together with thrilling music and lights, expect nothing short of a night of grandness and astonishment.

Expect this theatrical experience graced with disappearances, teleportation, dangerous stunts and other feats of impossibility. It is no wonder people are left talking about your event even after weeks it is over. Filled with great production visuals, laughter, audience interaction, and fun, the illusion show is guaranteed to have maximum impact and is one of the most effective ways to add the ‘wow’ factor to your event.

If you ever want to be transported to a world of mystery and amazement, let Darren and Charlene take you there with their illusion show.

What to expect:

  • Large Scale and theatrical illusions.
  • An atmosphere that is liken to watching a production in Las Vegas.
  • Perfectly choreographed movements and electrifying music.
  • Audience interaction and participation.
  • Teleportation, disappearances, levitation, impalement and more impossible feats. 




“Having Darren and Charlene performing illusions during our event definitely send out guests home having witnessed something unforgettable. The large scale tricks gave audience a sense of wonderment that could only have been caught in Las Vegas. It was great having them.” 
-Bone Marrow Donor Programme-